February Meeting - The Benefits of Bees

Our February meeting is on Wednesday, 17th February, 7.45-9.45 pm. We will be joined by the very lovely Sue Lang, owner of Black Cat Farm Shop, to talk to us about bees. We all know that bees are really important and that we should all be helping them to thrive. Sue is going to tell us how we can all play our part, whilst telling about the more amusing aspects of bee-keeping!
Sue will have a range of her bee-made products available to purchase on the evening - so bring your pennies.
As always, tea, coffee and cake will be provided. Feel free to bring wine if you prefer. The meeting is free for members and first-time visitors. £5 for guests and non-members. All welcome - you don't need to live in Wixams to be a Vixen!
2016 memberships are now due. If you'd like to join our group, just £37.50 gets you in to two meetings a month, which would cost you £120 if you paid 'on the door' each time! Bring your chequebooks with you on Wednesday and we'll get you all signed up :-)